Payroll accounting: Record insurance for AHV, BVG, UVG, KTG

Tutorial: How to record insurances for payroll accounting.

  1. Create insurance (add person)
  2. Add contracts
Screenshot of an insurance contact

[Functionality:] To be able to create payroll statements, insurances must be entered. Recorded insurances are available for the various deductions and can be specified in the payroll statements.

1. Add insurance (Add person)

Enter a new person via Persons Add and check the Insurance box. This classifies the address entry in CashCtrl as insurance. Then fill in the other information and continue with the next tab.

Screenshot Edit contact dialog of an insurance company

2. Add contracts, select type

In the Insurance tab, add the contracts and select their type. Several contracts per insurance company are possible. The Insurance no. field is the general number of the insurer. The Member no. field indicates your own membership number with the insurer.

  • Possible insurance types are
  • AVH/IV/EO/ALV - Social insurance
  • ALVZ - Supplementary unemployment insurance
  • BVG - Occupational pension scheme
  • FAK - family equalization fund
  • KTG - Daily sickness benefits insurance
  • UVG - Accident insurance
  • UVGZ - Supplementary accident insurance
Screenshot of the insurance tab where the contracts are added.