One place for all files

All files are organized in the file manager. Imported Excel, CSV, vCard and camt files are also stored here. Files can be sorted, modified, deleted and assigned to new categories.

The column with the checkmark indicates if a file is used somewhere. If a file is deleted, it is in the recycle bin. There it can be definitely deleted with "Empty recycle bin".

Screenshot of the File Manager in CashCtrl

Upload files

Option 1: One or more files can be dragged with the mouse directly into the browser window with the file manager.

Option 2: Individual data can be created via "Add" in the upload dialog. There you can also adjust name, description and category.

CashCtrl recognizes the file extension, shows the corresponding icon and if possible a preview.

Screenshot of the Add dialog in the File Manager

View files

Double-click on a file to open the detailed view. The original file is displayed (if possible). With the arrows at the bottom right you can scroll to the next file.

Screenshot of an open file in the file manager

Attach receipts and files

In all areas files can be attached via the paper clip icon . A file can be uploaded directly or an existing file can be selected. Any number of files can be attached.

Attachments can also be dragged directly into a dialog window. A file can be attached to a booking or an invoice by dragging and dropping.


Screenshot of attaching a file to an invoice via drag and drop

In a nutshell. Managing files with CashCtrl means:

  • One central location for all files
  • Upload possible via drag&drop in dialog window
  • Download zip archive e.g. for the tax authority

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