Price plans

CashCtrl is available in three versions that differ in terms of functionality. FREE for smaller bookkeeping, PRO for more extensive multi-client bookkeeping and Enterprise for the complete experience.

PRO Price calculator

Included: N/A users/employees, N/A organizations, 1 GB
CHF N/A / user
CHF N/A / organization
CHF N/A / employee
= 1 GB (CHF N/A / 10 GB)
  • You can create an unlimited amount of salary statements per employee.
  • Users (with login) are also considered employees (without login).
  • All prices include sales tax.
  • We give a discount for NPOs, educational institutions, teachers and students (on request, with verification).
  • CashCtrl PRO is prepaid, there is no automatic contract renewal. It can be prepaid for 6 months, one year or two years.
  • Reselling is not permitted without our explicit approval.

Your payment options for upgrading to PRO:

VISA Mastercard American Express PostFinance E-Finance PostFinance Card Bank transfer

Additional services

Custom invoice design from CHF 220.–

We will create a document template according to your manuscript using HMTL/CSS.

See examples (soon)

Import articles and adresses starting at CHF 180.–

We import for you from Excel and CSV files directly into your account.

See possibilities (soon)

Client portrait

Werbepool Thunersee Region: «You can always rely on the support.»

Anyone who has ever stood on the Niesen knows the spectacular panorama that awaits you up there at 2,362 meters above sea level. CashCtrl does not offer such panoramas - but a good overview.

Read more

The Niesenbahn during the ascent. Photographer: Chris Dittmer

Happy clients
 Herzlichen Dank für Ihre hervorragende Arbeit und Ihr tolles Angebot.  Marco Lenggenhager
 Grosses Kompliment für das Programm, für unseren Zweck das Beste!  Hugo Jud
Hirschbetrieb Jud
 Wir benutzen CashCtrl für die Buch­haltung unserer Einzel­firma. Die Software lässt sich einfach und intuitiv bedienen. Zudem sind die Daten orts­unab­hängig über das Internet überall verfügbar.  Hans-Peter Lässer
Claudia Lässer Productions