Collective entries

Tutorial: With collective entries several entries can be summarized and listed in one journal entry. Perfect for recording receipts from expense reports, for example.


  1. Entering a collective entry
  2. Enter expenses
  3. Enter contra account
  4. Arrange lines
  5. Overview and control
Screenshot collective posting dialog with some posting lines

1. Enter collective entry

In the journal, open the dialog via Add Collective entry. In addition to a description, a general business partner for all entries can be entered in the business partner field. Since the expense report contains different receipts, the field is not filled in here.

The expense report shown is for a business trip to Zurich, includes two train journeys, dinner and a hotel.

Screenshot of the Add collective entry dialog with an entry line open for editing

2. Recording expenses

Since the company in the example is not subject to VAT, no input tax has been entered. CashCtrl indicates the debit/credit difference between the entries, so that discrepancies can be avoided as far as possible at the time of entry.

Screenshot of the collective posting edit dialog with some posting lines.

3. Enter contra account

After all receipts and amounts have been entered, the offsetting payment entry needs to be entered. Close the collective entry with Save.

In the journal, the collective entry is displayed with an icon and number in the first column. The number shows how many entries are included.

Screenshot of the collective posting edit dialog with some posting lines.

4. Arrange lines

The individual booking lines can be moved at any time using drag & drop. In this way, booking lines can still be arranged afterwards and the order can be rearranged as desired. To do this, click on a line with the mouse, hold it and move it. Release at the desired position — done!

Screenshot of collective entry with moving of a booking line

5. Overview and control

In the different account journals, the collective entry is displayed as a whole and not the individual entry. You can view the broken down collective posting under Reports/account statements. There, each bookentry contained is displayed as an individual item.

Screenshot of the reports module with the individual items of the collective posting in the bank statements report