Contact management

Tutorial: Enter / import contacts, sort, filter and export as PDF, CSV, vcard or Excel. Also: Set up a dedicated CRM for business contacts with custom fields.


  1. Enter / import contacts
  2. Filter, sort, assign and export contacts
  3. Use CashCtrl as CRM with custom fields
Screenshot of a person entry

1. Enter / import contacts

In the first step contacts are entered manually or imported. The categories customers, suppliers, employees suggested by CashCtrl can be taken over or deleted. Own categories can be created via the green +.

Contacts and categories can be assigned a fixed discount, which will be deducted directly from the invoice.

If a special customer number is desired, this should first be set via the settings sequence numbers.

Go to import tutorial

Go to sequence numbers tutorial


Screenshot of a contact in CashCtrl

2. Filter, sort, assign and export

The list view for all contacts is customizable. At each column header the column menu can be called by which columns can be shown and hidden. Columns can be dragged and dropped to the desired position.

By clicking on a column overview, sorting is done based on this column. Single or multiple entries can be dragged and dropped into the desired category.

Each view can be exported as PDF, Excel, CSV or vCard, taking into account the columns and filters via More Export table.

Screenshot of the people module with tabular view and columns menu

3. Use CashCtrl as CRM with custom fields

CashCtrl can also be used as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool. This can be set up with custom fields, which are stored within the people module.

The custom fields can be displayed as a column in the table view. For example, the date "Last contacted" can be saved, notes on the last contact, etc. can be displayed and filtered and sorted based on this data.

Go to custom fields tutorial


Screenshot of a person entry with custom fields set up as CRM