1.The first partial payment has been received

The invoice has been sent to a customer and the first partial payment has been transferred. For explanation, the payment is booked manually here. This can also be done automatically. With the import function for bank transactions (camt053, camt054 files) an open invoice is automatically recognized and the payment is booked.

Go to the bank import tutorial

Screenshot of order preview with payment entry via "Next step"

2.Enter partial payment

Via Next step payment the payment dialog is called. This automatically displays the full open invoice amount. The amount of the payment can be adjusted as desired. Close with Save.

Screenshot payment dialog for entering a payment.

3.Down payment is listed on document

The recorded payment is listed on the document with the payment date. The outstanding total is listed at the bottom. In this way, the document can be sent to customers again if necessary.

The QR payment part is up-to-date after each booked partial payment and lists the respective remaining amount.

Screenshot of the invoice with listed down payment and resulting open total.

4.Another partial payment arrives

The document is still on status Open as it is not yet fully paid. Further partial payments can be entered via Next step payment. This process is the same for all subsequent partial payments.

Screenshot order overview with the entry of another payment

5.Updated invoice document

All partial payments are shown with the date of payment and the amount on the invoice document.

Screenshot of partial payments on the invoice document

6.Enter last payment

The last payment is entered via Next step Paid. This changes the status of the document and opens the payment dialog. This automatically shows the remaining amount. This completes the document and the entire amount is paid.

Screenshot of the notification dialog if a payment should be recorded.

7. Total paid

All partial payments have been received, the order is now paid in full and accordingly the total is shown as 0.00 on the invoice document.

Screenshot/view of an invoice with all partial payments listed.

8. Overview with the bookings window

The individual bookings of the document can be viewed. In the order overview click on More bookings and in the document preview view at the top click on Bookings.

Here you can see that the payments have settled the open debtors.

Screenshot of the bookings window with the listing of all payment bookings of the invoice document.