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Tutorial: Use text templates to give business correspondence a uniform appearance and automate many things.


  1. Create new category for letters
  2. Select and customize document template
  3. Define status for letters
  4. Create new letter
  5. Compose and send letter
Screenshot of a letter created in CashCtrl.

1. Create new category for letters

Create a new category "Letters" via Settings Order categories and configure it based on the screenshot:

  • Disable due date
  • Select the document template to be used
  • If you want to use the same document template as for invoices, it makes sense to copy it and name it "Letter template" or similar. Otherwise settings will interfere and the documents will not look as desired.
Screenshot of the add order category dialog

Optionally configure your own sequence number

This is useful if letters should remain stored in CashCtrl or customers need to refer to the document. The screenshot shows an exemplary configuration.

So the sequence number contains the year and an individual number that counts up. The letter is clearly identifiable.

Go to sequence number tutorial

Screenshot of the sequence number configuration dialog

2. Select and customize document template

To select the appropriate document template, click on the three-dot ... menu next to Document template. This opens the document template dialog. Preferably select a template without QR section and click on edit.

In the HTML / CSS tab you can make further design adjustments to the document. There is a selection of fonts available and also the size and alignment of texts or logo can be adjusted. Some knowledge of HTML / CSS is required.

Continue with Save.

Screenshot: Edit Document Template Dialog from CashCtrl

3. Define status for letters

It is advisable to create your own statuses for letters. A draft and a sent status are certainly useful, but a template status might be handy. Our example shows three statuses for letters:

1. Template: pre-designed letters, which are used again and again.
2. Draft: drafted letters that have not yet been sent.
3. Sent: Sent letters.

Tip: Check the "Closed" box for all statuses so that the documents are not shown as open across accountinga periods.

Screenshot of the status tab in the order category dialog

4. Create new letter

Create a new letter in the orders overview with Add  letter. In the dialog, enter a description if required and select the recipient address. All other fields can be ignored.

Click on Save & open to open the preview.

Screenshot of the Add dialog for a new letter

5. Compose and send letter

In the Texts tab on the left, write the letter in the Text above field. The text is continuously updated on the right side of the document. If letters are sent repeatedly, it is recommended to use text templates.

Finally, download the letter as a PDF or send it directly from the software. Voilà.

Efficiency enhancement hint: In step 1. the status "Sent" can be selected in the field "Status at download / send". This way CashCtrl will immediately ask if the status should be changed to "Sent" when downloading the PDF.

Screenshot of the PDF preview of the completed letter in CashCtrl