Cost center

Tutorial: Set up cost centers and evaluate expenses in an even more differentiated way. For example, according to locations, temporary projects or teams.


  1. Enter cost centers
  2. Allocation (book entry)
  3. Define (account)
  4. Evaluate cost centers
  5. Good to know
Screenshot of assigning cost centers

1. Enter cost centers

In the Accounts module, switch to the second tab "Cost centers". The structure here is identical to that of the chart of accounts. On the left there are the categories and on the right the table of cost centers.

  • Number: can be chosen arbitrarily, it is recommended to use a different number of digits than in the accounts.
  • Target: valid for the selected or current accounting period.
Screenshot: Enter cost centers dialog

2. Assign cost centers

Cost centers can be entered manually for each entry or during import, or for each item on an invoice. However, we do not recommend this approach - unless you want to dramatically increase your accounting effort :-).

To make the cash flow as automatic as possible, it is recommended to assign the cost centers directly to the expense accounts. All entries that are booked to this expense account will also be booked directly on the cost center level.

Screenshot: Edit dialog of an account, with visible cost centers tab

3. Define cost centers for accounts

Open the dialog via Accounts Edit. Switch to the Cost centers tab and select the desired cost centers. It is possible to select several cost centers with different shares. The shares are entered either in percent (40%/60%) or in parts (4/6). CashCtrl then automatically calculates the percentages.

If only one cost center is used, it is sufficient to enter 1 for one share or 100 for 100%.

Screenshot: Add cost centers to expense account

4. Evaluate cost centers

  • IIn the reports section, five reports are available to evaluate cost centers:
    1. income statement of each cost center
    2. balances of all or individual cost centers
    3. distribution: lists the distribution to the accounts
    4. targets: Compares budgets/targets to balances.
    5. statements: Shows the journals of individual cost centers
  • As with all reports, a custom set can be created, summarized or presented individually. The reports can then be exported as PDF, Excel (PRO) and CSV (PRO) and further processed if required.

Screenshot cost centers report with balances of all accounts

5. Good to know