Online accounting for associations and clubs

CashCtrl offers a free and an inexpensive payment version so that the cash box is correct. Addresses of the club members maintain, annual fees book or the letting of the club house managen. All this is possible.

CashCtrl - The ideal accounting partner for associations, clubs and non-profit organizations

In order to ensure that the club accounting is correct and that no surprises are to be expected, a suitable accounting software is used. In this way the administration for the cashier as well as the club accounting can be simplified, which saves a lot of time.

All data in one place and always up-to-date

CashCtrl is operated in a browser and does not require any installation on a computer. So either someone or several people together can maintain the data independent of location. A transfer to the next cashier? No problem - just hand over the login and you are done. Do not use Excel lists where it is not clear whether they are up-to-date.

The advantages of CashCtrl at a glance

  • CashCtrl Free is completely free of charge, with annual accounts, invoices, contact management
  • CashCtrl is intuitive to use, previous knowledge is very little required.
  • CashCtrl manages clubs, associations, sports clubs - easy, fast and professional.
  • CashCtrl simplifies the club accounting for cashiers and also the transfer to successors.
  • CashCtrl simplifies the address management of clubs very much.
  • CashCtrl offers a forum with a nice community and many functions in the free version.
  • CashCtrl is 100% Swissmade, all updates are included

Manage and sort member data

CashCtrl runs in the cloud, so if there is time, something small can be done easily. Address data can be well filtered, categorized and output as Excel, PDF etc. With additional fields you can create your own fields containing information about member type, status and activities.

Registration is always free of charge - we are also happy to help you change from one software to another.

Member contributions simply book

All patrons, active and passive members can download and send the annual dues either directly from the program or as PDF files. Work and communicate with the people in the club as you like, CashCtrl can be configured and we are happy to help.

Ansicht einer Mitgliederrechnung für den Verein
 Euer Programm und Support ist wirklich top!  Denise Bastug
 Ihr habt das weltbeste Programm.  Philipp Brühwiler
 Neben ca. 10 anderen Fibus habe ich CashCtrl getestet. Für einen Nichtbuchhalter ist ihr Produkt mit Abstand das Beste was ich gesehen habe. Intuitives und effezientes Buchhalten sind bei CashCtrl sehr gut implementiert. Gratulation!  Peter Brunner
i+i Brunner Immobilien und Informatik Stein am Rhein

Interesting facts about associations in Switzerland

Club accounting - What you need to know

Provisions concerning associations are laid down in the Swiss Civil Code. In contrast to corporations or limited liability companies, the purpose of an association's activity is not to generate a profit. Rather, like-minded people in such associations pursue a hobby without dedicating themselves to an economic task. Nevertheless, the exercise of the association's activities entails various financial obligations. Also associations can have incomes and expenditures, as well as have assets. Keeping accounts is therefore a good idea - an appropriate accounting software is a must.

Accounting obligations for associations and non-profit organizations

According to Art. 69a ZGB, associations are legally obliged to keep accounts, whereby this task is the responsibility of the executive committee. The regulations of the Swiss OR about commercial bookkeeping and accounting are to be applied analogously. Most associations are not obliged to register in the commercial register, which means that it is sufficient to keep accounts of income, expenditure and assets - simple bookkeeping is sufficient.

Conclusion: CashCtrl - The tool for the association bookkeeping

Keeping the association's accounts should not take up too much time - after all, the interests of an association are different. It is important to take advantage of the help of an accounting tool in order to have the accounting done as soon as possible. CashCtrl offers clubs a tool with convincing performance to handle the accounting correctly and in a more acceptable time. Whether income, expenses, financial situation or address management of your club, CashCtrl ensures that your books are correct. Simple, intuitive and secure.